
We have strong footprint in Norway, a country relying in its fossil fuel reserves. These reserves are far from being depleted and Exploration & Production can and will continue in coming decades because the economy depends on it. But it's time to thing otherwise.

Combining renewable energy with storage solutions and smart technologies to enhance energy efficiency is a winning recipe.

We leverage the many technology-driven projects we've completed with our clients over the years, our experience with industry transformation both in Norway and abroad, and our commitment to decarbonization.

Our target sectors:

# Energy Production

  • Fossil Fuel: Essential for the near future, but we must tirelessly green these operations to align with sustainability goals.
  • Renewable Energy: An obvious choice, driving us towards a cleaner, brighter future.
  • Nuclear Energy: A complex frontier, balancing immense potential with critical safety and waste management challenges.

# Energy-Intensive Industries

Chemical, refinery, food & beverages, metals, Pulp & paper, cement and steel.

Industrial processes require large amounts of energy. However, we should strive for significantly enhanced energy efficiency at production sites and leverage renewable energy to foster progress.